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New Years Party! - January 20, 2024

When: January 20, 2024

Where: Marlborough Community Association 

Please wait for more details!

※会員ではなくても、ウチナーンチュならゲスト参加ができるので​連絡ください。If you are from Okinawa, you can be a guest. Does not need to have a membership.

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Our annual Event

Three times a year

Stay tuned for more info about our annual event


New Year's Party


We get together to celebrate new years!

About | Calgary Okinawan Club

Summer BBQ

July or August

Our annual club BBQ will take place in July or August every year.  Stay Tuned for more info.  

About | Calgary Okinawan Club

Uchinanchu Day Event


We celebrate World Uchinanchu Day with a special event.

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